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We welcome you to worship in our sanctuary
each Sunday at 10:30 am.
Masking is optional in the building during the service.
The service is livestreamed on the First Congregational Church of Royal Oak YouTube channel and is available later to watch
wherever you are, at any time you choose.
Access the service by clicking on the Sermons Video button.

The First Congregational Church of Royal Oak welcomes you and invites you to join us
on Sunday mornings for a spiritually uplifting worship service and a family coffee hour that follows in our Social Hall.
Our worship service offers a communal opportunity to learn, to sing, to praise, to reflect, to pray, and to celebrate God’s love.
Stay informed with activities and events at FCCRO.

"Let there be peace and justice throughout the land,
known on every mountain and hill."
Psalm 72
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